GOLead is the leadership development platform of Passion to Reach Ministries. While GO Conference, equips Christians for effective evangelism and GO United equips young adults for bold gospel conversations, GOLead is designed to raise up leaders who provide clear vision, possess firm conviction and pursue servant leadership as they help people navigate the currents of culture through the lens of the gospel.
The generosity of our donors help us serve the church through these webinars during this season of ministry transition. If you would like to donate, you can do so here. Thank you for your support!
Race, Justice & the Gospel
A conversation on how the Church can lead culture in this moment in history!
With Josh Clemons, Jason Persaud, Cheryl Nembhard, Brendan Witton, Chris Chase and Scott Free
- Racism – What does the Bible say about it?
- White vs Black – Understanding racism outside of the American context
- What’s it like – Understanding the lived experiences of people of color and why this matters in ministry
- Words & Tone – Why the tone of how we say what we say matters
- Law & Order – How compassion, mercy, and justice needs to co-exist in society
- Church vs Culture – How does the Church navigate this cultural moment and emerge as leaders in justice and unity
- The Gospel – How do we communicate the gospel to world so systemically broken, sinful, and hurting
Digital Marketing & Advertising
How to invest your ministry dollars online for maximum reach and impact – with Brady Shearer
- Digital Ads vs Newspapers Ads – What’s the difference?
- Consumer Mindsets – Understanding how people consume information online
- Organic vs Paid – When not spending money is the smarter option
- Digital Literacy – ABCs of digital communication
- Analytics – The digital ministry metrics that matter to every church and ministry
- Digital platforms – Select the right platforms to serve your unique voice, demographic and communications style
- Advertising Strategy – How to create a medium-term ad strategy that will help you reach more people!
- Real-World Examples – Success stories from churches of varying sizes and budgets
Parenting: Navigating Everything
with Brett Ullman
- Parenting – What are the stages of parenting? What is the current state of parenting? What is the purpose of
parenting? - Parenting Styles – What are they and which ones should I be using? What might I need to alter about my
current parenting style? - Progression of Parenting – What are the skills our children need to learn?
- Time – What does quality time and being present with my kids look like?
- Communication – How can I learn better communication skills so that I can more effectively connect with my kids?
- Discipline – How do I effectively discipline my children?
Parenting Well Through COVID19
Insights and strategies for parents to help children thrive amidst the fear and uncertainty of the pandemic
With guests Brett Ullman, Erin Clark, Adam Clarke and Lee Nienhuis.
- Pastoral Care for Parents – Spiritual counsel and practical advise for Pastors who lead parents
- Courage – How to approach life and parenting with courage during COVID19?
- Information overload – Best practices to help your kids manage the 24/7 news cycle
- Spiritual Disciplines – Helping your kids build healthy spiritual habits
- Mental Health – Open, honest dialogue on thoughts and emotions
- Homeschooling (for amateurs) – Navigating the roles of parent and teacher all in the same day!
- Beyond 2020 – Understanding the long term effects of COVID19 on your kids and how to prepare them today
Church & Government
How Churches can serve as ‘Essential Services’ to your community in partnership with Government during COVID19 and beyond
With guests Will Bouma, Biran Beattie, Jim Kilmartin, Searle Turtan, Dominic Russo and Loterra Hibbs.
- Perspective – Understanding the effects of COVID19 for the Church and for Government
- Essential – The services that are essential to communities during the pandemic
- Terms – Why language and terms matter for effective collaboration
- Unique – How Churches can identify the unique needs of their local community
- Creativity – Creative ways of serving the needs and bringing hope to families in your city
- Funding – How to access government funding for community services and why fundraising campaigns matter.
- Community Tables – How Church leaders can bring community agencies, businesses, and elected officials together
- One Church – How to work as ‘One Church’ in a city/town
- Protocols – Why ‘how’ we do ‘what’ we do matters, especially during a pandemic.
Mental & Emotional Health during COVID19
Strategies to help you and your team thrive during this season of isolation, stress and uncertainity!
With guests Brett Ullman, Dr, Merry Lin and Dr. Josh Kruse.
- Crisis Response – How does the human mind cope with a prolonged crisis?
- Uncover the truth – How to know what you’re really feeling and what to do about it?
- Mind over matter? – Can you program your mind to overcome negative thoughts and emotions?
- Compassion fatigue – Why Leaders and Pastors may be running on ’empty’.
- Trust me I’m fine – Self-deception and why it’s harmful, especially in leaders
- Stress Management – Tools for leaders to help their teams/congregants manage stress
- Attachment bonds – How to strengthen the bonds that are vital in this season.
- And so much more!
Social Media & Greek
The new language every Church and Marketplace Leader needs to learn to reach people online today!
With guests Matt Brown, Jon Groves, Malachi OBrien and Grayson Bearden.
- ABCs – The Alphabets of digital communication
- What platforms make sense for your Church/Business?
- Reading the scoreboard – Understanding if you’re digital strategy is winning or losing
- Evergreen content – How to repurpose your offline content for digital engagement
- Don’t be a copycat – Identifying your audience and finding your unique voice
- Social Media Marketing – Dollars and Sense
- Beyond the lends – Producing authentic, impactful video content
- Analytics 101 – Don’t fly blind!
- Digital Funnel – A multi-step approach to disciple-making
- Professional grade – Resources and tools that are best-in-class
Women in Leadership Matter
Why identifying, equipping and promoting women in in leadership will benefit your organization
With guests Anne Miranda, Cheryl Nembhard, Sharon Witton, Krista Penner, Melinda Estabrooks and Helen Burns.
- Church & Culture – Breaking the mold and finding your voice
- Leadership habits: The daily rituals that keep leaders ahead of the pack
- Balance: Navigating the intersection of life and leadership
- That’s your seat – Insights to identifying your seat at the table, and where you can add the most value
- Fear Factor: How to fight the fear of (leadership) heights
- Future forward – Developing a new generation of courageous women in leadership!
- Unconscious bias – Blindspots in leadership that discourage women who are called to lead
- Tailormade – Resources designed to inspire and develop women in leadership, influence, and strategic thinking.
- Sea to Sea – Homegrown leaders who are making an impact across Canada & the world!
Amplifying your Gospel Voice
Discover unique opportunities to share Jesus, His message, and His hope for the world during COVID19!
With guests Jon Groves, Kevin Palau, Daniel King, Shaila Visser and Nigel Paul.
- Gospel fluency – Practice makes perfect
- How do we communicate the goodness of God against a backdrop of pain?
- Why how we say, what we say, matters!
- Pandemic profiles – Who’s the audience? What do they need to hear?
- Social services – Why serving people matters during the pandemic.
- Tools & Resources – Must-have resources to help you reach more people than ever before!
- Digital Missions – What is it, where does it fit, and how do you measure success?
Masterclass on Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Innovative Leaders, Strategic Ideas, Collaborative Thinking to help you develop a generation of gospel centered leaders at your church!
With guests Jason Ballard, Laura Bronson, OJ The DJ, Zac Workun, Amber Stephens and Chris Estrada.
- Vision vs strategy – Why the best tools, ideas, and answers for next-generation ministry become obsolete so fast?
- Cause & Effect – Why finding the ‘why’ of your tribe matters more than you think
- Digital vs Discipleship – Unpacking the gap between digital content and a discipling culture
- Made to Break – Why creating a mold for ministry to the next generation is futile
- Culture X Community – Why the intersection of culture and community matters to your ministry to Young Adults
- Mindsets – How to deal with the tsunami of anxiety, depression and fear that’s gripping a generation
- COVID19: Curse or Cause? Why the way your frame this crisis will determine how your young people will embrace the next season of their lives and calling!
How to lead Churches in the Post Pandemic Era
Leadership Gold from Territorial/Organizational Leaders on what needs to change today for greater impact tomorrow!
With guests David McGrew, Rick Ciaramitaro, Don Hamilton, Samuel Addai-Kussi, Woodroe Thompson and Joel Spiridigliozzi.
- Didn’t see it coming – what leadership gaps has this pandemic exposed in the church?
- Understanding seasons – how can pastors and churches better identify seasons for transition – generationally, technologically, stylistically, and more
- Toolkit – What leadership tools do a Pastor or ministry department leader in a Church need today versus a decade ago
- Mindset Shift – What changes do you observe in the way congregants think, act, and respond to the services and ministry offered by churches
- Distinguished – Leadership decisions that will help churches distinguish themselves from other organizations in their communities
- Vision 20/20 – Based on what we see, what changes and shifts, and inevitable in the post-pandemic era
- Leadership Reinforced – What facets of leadership development need to be reinforced for Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Department leaders, etc. to be prepared for the change that’s coming just around the corner!
Best Practices for Online Youth Ministry
Innovative ideas, tools and strategies to reach more young people today than ever before!
With guests Kevin White, James Clarence, Dale Winder, Roger Reid, Kenny & Elle Campbel and co-host Jason Persaud.
- Understanding the generation – how they think, where they gather (online) and what attracts their attention.
- How to make your online youth service ‘click-worthy’
- What does a youth pastor/leader do (online) anyway!?
- Concert or music lessons? How to disciple youth online
- Home Schooling – why your youth ministry needs to take a page from the school system’s book
- Online Teams – Recruiting and training volunteers for online youth ministry
- Spiritual rhythms – Why this matters for your young people and their leaders
- Online tools – A deep dive into recommended tools and resources that will help you reach, engage and equip young people online!
- Evangelism – Online Alpha and other options to present the gospel online
- And more – IG Live, Zoom, Online Games, online Youth Curriculum
The Bible, Jesus & COVID19
Answers for every Christian on the spiritual questions the unchurched are asking during this pandemic.
With guests Abdu Murray of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason Ministries.
- How does one reconcile the pain and suffering in the world with the idea of a God who is always ‘good’?
- Did God send COVID19? Is it God’s judgment on human behavior?
- If God loves me, will He protect me from the pandemic?
- I know good people who are suffering or have died with COVID 19, why does God allow good people to suffer evil?
- I hear COVID19 is a sign of the end times. Is the world going to end soon?
- What should the Christian response be to COVID19?
- Does prayer for healing work during a pandemic?
- How do we differentiate between faith and foolishness in our response to safety guidelines from the authorities?
- What are some best practices on how to share the gospel during COVID19?
Audio/Video Production for Online Church
Equipping those who serve behind the scenes to make Online Church Services possible!
With guests O’Necean Gordon, Corey Butler, Kelly Kimo, Scotty Rade and Dion Cockett.
- A/V equipment that is essential to produce online services well
- Software solutions that are free or attractively priced for churches and non-profits
- What every church videographer wishes they could tell their Pastor
- Fatal mistakes that tempt your audience to mute your worship service
- One song. Many parts. How to stitch it all together like they were all in the room
- Live streaming – Tools and Resources
- Motivation – Why it matters to a/v teams and how to do it remotely
- What every Pastor should know about ‘what it takes’ to be ‘excellent’
Best Practices for Online Worship Ministry
How to create immersive online worship experiences marked by excellence, passion, and presence!
With musical guests Brooke Nicholls, Matthew McIntosh, Jenni McGrew, Darrick Tam, Ranjit Abraham and Sean Daniel.
- Why worship matters in moments of crisis
- How emotion and devotion impact worship
- Declaring biblical truth through song and music
- Innovative ways to create collaborative moments of worship
- Producing content that impacts lifestyle
- ‘Less is more’ and other tips to maximize this moment of creativity
- Listen in – Coaching our worship teams to hear His voice
- Lights, camera, worship – The mechanics of leading people in worship through a lens
- Pieces of the puzzle – How to put it all together
- Anthems of Hope – Quenching the thirst for good news in a bad news world
- A global pandemic calls for global perspectives
Communicating Through Crisis
Best practices for speaking to your team, the church and the world. Why your thoughts, words, and emotions matter more than ever!
With Pastor Mark Clark of Village Church, Pastor Jon Thompson of Sanctus Church, and Media Director Brady Shearer or ProChurch Tools.
Thoughts – The good, bad and the ugly!
First things first – feeding your soul well
Managing uncertainty, measuring success – best practices for teams
Alignment – how great teams amplify the leader’s voice
Truth matters – Remind the church of these truths
Fear or wisdom – How to tell the difference
Anyone there? Facing your fear of speaking to a lens
If this is the church’s moment – what do we say to culture?
Speak to the future – Preparing the church for what’s around the corner
Easter Reimagined
Innovative ideas & practical strategies to create a transformative online experience for your community.
With Pastor Brett Esslinger of WECA & Engage Church, Pastor Jonathan Lambert of ARC & Experience Church, and Pastor Paul Daugherty of Victory Church.
Why Easter is significant, especially in a pandemic?
Embracing a vision bigger than your building
How ‘physical distancing’ and ‘social connectivity’ can co-exist
Equipping your people to become co-creators vs consumers
Empowering your leaders to ‘make room’ for the community
Technology you need to adopt today to make Easter weekend a success
Innovative ideas to provide a complete worship experience
Unique volunteer roles for Easter 2020
Offline extensions of your online strategy that may make all the difference!
Kids Ministry Matters
Creating a fun, engaging ONLINE Sunday experience for kids. Discover simple strategic ways to serve the kids of your church & their parents!
With Pastor Allyson Evans of life.Church and Pastor Jorden Hooper of Villiage Church.
- Undersanding content that keeps kids engaged online
- Managing your kids ministry team remotely
- Equipping parents to be an extension of kids ministry
- Online evangelistic oppotunities through kids ministry
- Free resources for you rkids ministry and church
- Technology and equipment to create content remotely.
Hosting Groups Online
How to build authentic community virtually! Devices, screens, online – the new normal.
With Pastor Chad Zollo, Online Pastor of Elevation Chruch.
- How to do online team meetings well
- How to train your small group leaders for online
- Best practices for online group interactions
- How to create a ‘family’ feel from afar
- Reporting systems for online group leaders
- Technology resourves for effective online gatherings
Hosting Churches Online
Best Practices with Pastor Alan George, Life.Church Online Pastor.
- Online volunteer engagement
- Followup pipeline
- Online giving
- Online audience engagement
- Sunday review
- and so much more!